About us
KWWS (KWWS), is a financial services company incorporated under the Florida laws; dedicated to globally support middle-market companies with financing on any industry in Latin America.
KWWS structures an interesting and wide variety of international financing and provides to its customers with specialized investment banking services to raise equity by providing access to private capital, bank debt and supplier credit schemes.
KWWS members led to success over 500 loan transactions in Latin America with over $2 Billion in successful financial structures.
KWWS brings a diversity of investors and foreign financial institutions interested in expanding their financing offer to Latin-American companies to fund multiple requirements in working capital for inventories and fixed asset acquisition in all industries, or re-finance Mexican government contracts, or support with debt capital in infrastructure projects.
KWWS members offer over 25 years of experience in the area of International Banking, specialized in Foreign Trade Finance structures for companies that import and export occasionally or on a regular basis, either directly or through authorized local distributors or agents.
Principals have arranged and structured many different financial transactions including large investments of government and private backed by programs of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Exim-Bank), EULER Hermes, COFACE, Finnvera, EFIC, etc.
We distinguish ourselves in the Financial Engineering of Credit Structuring tailored to each client